Academic Programs

Play Group

Playgroup learning capitalizes on the nature of children to be active, curious and inquisitive. Playgroup children are exploratory learners who learn through multi- sensory stimulations. A warm, conducive and stimulating environment that is rich in responsive interactions and relationships is the key to promoting and developing these children’s expressive language and communication, affective and physical growth. Routines and transition are important aspects of the learning process that support children’s’ efforts in adapting to their first group setting, and in encouraging children’s social and emotional efforts.



In the nursery the emphasis shifts from emergent strategies of the playgroup to purposeful acquisition and understanding of content, skills and concepts. Curriculum reinforces children’s increasing competencies in language as a tool for learning and communication. Emerging literacy in reading and numeracy skills are introduced to promote the children’s beginning capacity for acquiring skills and concepts. Motor skills are more sophisticated now, enabling children to continue writing practices through manipulative and prewriting experiences. Expectations for emotional and social development continue to be prioritized resulting in even greater autonomy and independence, enhanced self-help skills, emotional self-regulation, self-concept and confidence. The curriculum in nursery ensures a smooth transition to the more structured and skills-driven learning of the kindergarten years (Junior and senior)

Junior KG

Curriculum in junior kindergarten capitalizes on children’s increasing capacity for learning content and knowledge. Thus intellectual development, acquisition of skills and concepts are actively promoted. Process-oriented interdisciplinary learning experiences remain an important learning goal. Kindergarten 1 children are more confident and articulate in using language to express their ideas and feelings. Curriculum actively promotes purposeful learning of vocabulary, word skills, reading and writing through whole language literacy experiences. In math, children continue to gain enhanced understanding of numeracy and math processes. Curriculum at this stage also emphasizes social studies, environment and community awareness. Emotional and social development continue to be emphasized as children exhibit more sophisticated self-regulatory behaviors, autonomy, and better understanding of social etiquettes, right and wrong, and appreciation for rules.


Senior KG

With the considerable progress and advancement in language and numeracy skills, senior kindergarten children are now more proficient in communication, reading and writing. They actively use their acquired proficiency in literacy skills as the means for presenting ideas, knowledge and as a tool for learning content, concepts and skills. With increased social competence, confidence and emotional maturity, children continue to work collaboratively in peer groups; engaging in critical thinking and meaningful exploration of ideas and concepts, problem solving, inquiry, investigations and research. By the end of the K2 year, children are independent individuals, confident and articulate communicators, and creative thinkers who are appreciative of the world – and are equipped with the life skills and attitudes, all of which are prerequisites for school and life success

Element 3
Element 4
Element 5

Grades 1 & 2

The planned curriculum for these age groups have their teachers challenging their learners to learn more and build on skills introduced in earlier years.


The four main areas of work covered are:
  • Speaking and Listening
  • Word level
  • Sentence level
  • Text level
Science and Social Science:
The three units of science study covered are:
  • Life sciences (plants and animals)
  • Earth sciences (e.g. air and weather)
  • Physical sciences (e.g. solids and liquids)

Learners will begin exploring the concept of community beyond just your family. They'll learn about how neighborhoods make up cities, cities make up states, and states make up nations, with a focus on how all of those components work together to create a cohesive unit.


Learners develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematics through practical activity, exploration and discussion. They learn to count, read, write and order numbers to 100 and beyond. They develop a range of mental calculation skills and use these confidently in different settings.

Computational Thinking

In Information and Communication’s Technology our aim is to prepare learners to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technology.

Physical education and art & craft forms an integral part of the curriculum.

Element 3
Element 4
Element 5
Enroll Your Child